Try this 5 minute yoga exercise in the morning

Try this 5 minute yoga exercise in the morning

Hi my lovely darlings, you know what I noticed lately? My time management is getting really good. Yes, I admit, there was a time it was terrible. But now it’s going all well. I even save myself some time in the morning to do a 5 minute yoga exercise to revitalize. It’s really amazing how you can feel so energetic and relaxed. You totally have to try it! Read along and find out how.

So this five minute yoga exercise I’m talking about is actually a very popular yoga sequence called Surya Namaskara. The yoga fans among us will definitely recognize this term. Surya Namaskara is a five minute morning exercise which will make you feel calm, more energetic and a very important one: you’ll have less aches and pains. Basically the Surya Namaskara benefits your vital organs, muscles and your mind.

Surya Namaskara is done to honor the sun and share your gratitude for its energy by doing a series of postures, each with its own meaning. You can see the postures on the picture below.

A few personal tips:
– It’s very important to take long, deep breaths
– Each of the 12 postures (or 24 postures if you switch legs by postures four and nine) should by executed with full dedication.

Try this 5 minute yoga exercise in the morning and you’ll that your day starts with a whole other mind setting.

Try this 5 minute yoga exercise in the morning

Anna- Radha Ghiraw


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