7 tips on shaving a sensitive skin

Hi angels, you know that time of the week or month you have to face the activity you rather avoid? No, I’m not talking about your period. I’m talking about shaving! Particularly ladies with a sensitive skin -like me- have to go through a hell lot of trouble to get that smooth skin we love. The tips below will help you face it.

1. Don’t use warm water
The heat of the water makes your skin red and irritated.

2. Use a good razor blade
There are a lot of razor blades especially made for the sensitive skin. This doesn’t mean they aren’t sharp.

3. Scrub your skin in advance
You probably already know scrubbing is good. It prevents ingrown hairs and keeps your skin healthy. But be cautious not to shave immediately after scrubbing. Your skin needs time to rest.

4. Use shaving crème
It’s not like you’re trimming a beard, but shaving crème has definitely its benefits. It keeps your skin hydrated and protected. Don’t keep the crème too long on your skin tough. This will cause flakes on your skin which will irritate.

5. Shave in the direction of your hair grows
It looks like shaving in the opposite direction of how your hair grows is easier and has a quicker result. But it creates red bumps easier and faster on your skin.

6. Don’t shave too often on the same skin area
To prevent irritated skin it’s wise to shave in tracks. This way you won’t shave too often on the same skin area.

7. Moisturize your skin
After shaving the whole surface you can use a natural product like coconut oil to moisturize your skin. This will help prevent dehydration and irritation.

This are some tips I use every time I have to shave and it really helps to keep my skin rested. Try it out and let me know what you think.

7 tips on shaving a sensitive skin

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